Jeanie Miskelly Barker

Display Enhanced Testing for Concussions and mTBI (DETECT)

The DETECT system is a portable, efficient diagnostic tool that creates an immersive environment for the neuropsychological testing to determine the presence and severity of concussions.  I built both the hardware and software prototypes and conducted a usability study that showed the system blocked out audio and visual distractions.

Greet, Treat, Street: Nursing in an Emergency Setting

An ethnographic study of nurses in an emergency department was conducted to understand how they gain, use and share knowledge to complete their duties.  As explained by the distributed cognition framework, we found that in the ER system each person's knowledge about their duties is affected by the other people working in the ER and the supporting artifacts.

Future Explorer (FEX)

We designed a system that allows high-school students to explore who they are as well as their options for the future by reading about a variety of careers and bios of real people currently working in the field. The software can guide users to careers that may be of interest to them based on their interactions with the software and their exploration patterns.

All Aboard

All Aboard is a proposed interface for model train enthusiasts lacking motor control of their arms. It uses a foot-controlled mouse interacting with a software interface to give commands to train and track controls on a digital command control layout.

Global Classroom Project - Web Interface Redesign

Georgia Tech's Global Classroom Project (GCP) is designed to provide a forum for cross-cultural, digital communication and collaborative project development. Our redesigned GCP Web interface focuses on improving the display of the conversation structure, providing additional features to support knowledge-building, fostering engagement among students by creating an improved atmosphere, and enhanced aesthetic appeal of the interface.

Scripting the Interactor

We created an interactive game in Flash involving a portion of the storyline from the movie A Charlie Brown Christmas. In our game, the user must help Charlie Brown decorate his tree by Christmas Day. The state of the tree and the expression on Charlie Brown's face cue the user as to his or her success in completing the task.

Programmed 2 Dance

We designed educational software to teach middle-school and high-school girls computer programming by having them make a character perform dance moves. Learning to program will be an incremental process where new users can play with pre-programmed dances and see how they are broken down into dance moves. More advanced users can create their own dances by programming body movements and building dance moves.

Junkyard Wars: Building Complex Machinery out of Junk

The Learning Channel's popular show Junkyard Wars pits two teams against each other to build a very technical device using materials found in a junkyard within a 10 hour time limit. Given these constraints, we were interested if there is a common design process used by the teams. Additionally, we were interested if certain elements of the process correspond to creating a successful or unsuccessful design.

Interactive Campus Envoy (ICE)

The Interactive Campus Envoy is a system designed to help students get around the Georgia Tech campus quickly and efficiently. The campus poses a special challenge to the new student since many of its buildings are most quickly accessed via unnamed paths and alleys. The system can also help students find the location and information about departments, people and events on campus.


Treefoil is a visualization tool to perform pair-wise comparisons on large file system data. Our visualization technique presents an overview and detail interface, based on a dotplot for overview tasks and a dual pane file browser for the detail views.